No refund will be provided post 5 days of the amount paid.
No refund will be provided incase of delaye in project completion due to client.
Cancellation of any service renewal should be done 10 days prior to the start of next billing cycle.
If cancellations are made after the start of the billing cycle then no refund will be made
If you signed up for our services, but did not make use of them then you are still entitled to pay us.
Incase of any refund,amount of refund will be credited in the account from which the payment was made within 45 days of service cancellation.
Amazing Web Solutions will not be liable for refund or guarantee of top search ranking, increase of follower(s), post reach under any circumstances
Cancellation of subscription(s) and refund in case of subscription termination and over-invoicing.
In case, the subscription payment is denied by the bank/ financial institution due to insufficient balance, change of card details or any other technical or non-technical issue(s), Amazing Web Solutions reserve right to charge ₹ 100 per day as penalty.
*Amazing Web Solutions reserves the right to change the above refund and cancellation policy at any given point without any prior notice.